The Day of reckoning is here! The first ever WWN Top 76. The best of the best on the net. Wrestling writers from dozens of sites received votes, but these are who you the fans feel rule the Internet Wrestling Community.
Have a comment or point of view? Then email killer.canary@cox.net
For those of you who don’t know what this is, a writer named Flea (411 mania, 1ryderfakin) put out a list of the top 100 wrestling writers on the net. This list is widely circulated and is one of the few pieces of recognition writers receive. We put hundreds of hours a year into entertaining our readers and only a handful of us make a cent out of it. Recognition is like our bonus. Well Flea has quit writing, and now there is no list. I can’t let that happen.
Over the last few months I have been compiling a new list, slightly different from Flea’s list. I am calling this list the Wrestling Writers of the Net Top 76 or WWN Top 76. The number of writers comes from the number of years The American Wrestling Association has been in business (on 2/21/1928 Ed Strangler” Lewis won the first Heavyweight Title). But make no mistake; the main difference is you. You voted and helped shape this list. I am sure all of the writers thank you, I know I do.
Best of the Best and at least one site they appear on
1. Dave Meltzer - www.WrestlingObserver.com
2. Wade Keller - www.ProWrestlingTorch.com
3. Bryan Alvarez - www.WrestlingObserver.com
4. Scott Keith - www. 411Mania.com/wrestling
5. Dave Scherer - www.pwinsider.com
6. Rick Scaia - www.onlineonslaught.com
7. Jonathan Widro and Ashish Pabari - www.411Mania.com/wrestling
8. Matt Boone - www.prowrestlingscoops.com
9. Rajah Kumar - www.rajahwwf.com
10. Bruce Mitchell - www. Pro Wrestling Torch.com
11. Eric Szulczewski - www.411Mania.com/wrestling
12. Sam Jerry - www.theringpost.com
13. Don Callis – www.slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/home.html
14. Bob Magee- www.pwbts.com
15. Tony Cottman - www.smashwrestling.com
16. Barbwire Mike - www.lethalwrestling.com
, www.theringpost.com
17. Matt Hocking - www.onlineonslaught.com
18. Doug Graham - www.theddt.com
19 Alex Marvez - www.WrestlingObserver.com
20. Paul Kirkbride - www.moonsault.com
21. Raven - www.theraveneffect.com
22. Buck Woodward - www.1wrestling.com
23. Jim Forzese - www.lordsofpain.net ,
24. Amish Patel - www.twnpnews.com
25. Dory Funk Jr. - www.prowrestling.com
26. Jeb Tennyson Lund - www.onlineonslaught.com
27. Phantom Lord - www.lordsofpain.net
28. Chris Hyatte - www. 411Mania.com/wrestling
29. Damian Gonzalez - aka The Dames - www.thesmartmarks.com
30. The Cubs Fan - www.thecubsfan.com
31. The Shining Wizard - www.rajahwwf.com
32. Mike Johnson - www.pwinsider.com
33. ROH Locker Room Scoops - www.ringofhonor.com
34. Eric Gargiulo - www.prowrestlingradio.com
35. Canadian Bulldog - www.onlineonslaught.com
36. Mike Tenay - www.nwatna.com
37. Zach Arnold - www.puroresupower.com
38. Dean Rasmussen - www.deathvalleydriver.com
39. Scott Stover - www.wrestlezone.com
40. Droz - www.wwe.com
41. BFP - www.theddt.com
42. Mark Rushford - www.1wrestling.com
43. Jared "JHawk" Hawkins - www.thesmartmarks.com
44. Mike Steele - www.ad4umedia.com/wrestling/
45. Tammy Lynn Sytch - was on www.411Mania.com/wrestling
with Hyatte now on www.lethalwrestling.com as
46. The Butcher - www.prowrestlingscoops.com
, www.wrestlezone.com
47. WWE Backdoor - www.wwe.com
48. Bob Ryder - www.1wrestling.com
49. Erin Anderson - www.onlineonslaught.com
50. Linda Robin - www.thebalrogslair.com
, www.prowrestling.com
51. Lance Storm -
www.stormwrestling.com , www.wwe.com
52. Brandon Truitt - www.thesmartmarks.com
53. Jeremy Borash - www.nwatna.com
54. Steven Randle - www.411Mania.com/wrestling
55. Steven Goforth - www.chairshots2cranium.com
56. Scott Newman - www.rajahwwf.com
57. Leo Croft - www.wrestlingunlimited.com
58. Jun Bakon - www.lethalwrestling.com
59. Bradshaw - www.wwe.com
60. Tony Yannuzzi - www.wrestlingdotcom.com
61. Dumass - www.lordsofpain.net
62. Trevor Lane - www.iowrestling.com
63. Cody Webster - www.saltyham.com
64. The Stro - www.moonsault.com, www.wrestlingdotcom.com
, www.prowrestling.com
65. April Hunter - prowrestlingdaily.com
66. Mr. Fiendish - www.theringpost.com
67. Scott Christ - www.scottchrist.com
68. Disco Dave - www.lethalwrestling.com
69. The Snipa - www.lethalwrestling.com
70. Jon Waldman - www.slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/home.html
71. Ape Boy - www.theddt.com
72. Joe Deprospero - www.pwinsider.com
73. Rogue - www.theddt.com
74. Dustin Jon - www.twnpnews.com
75. Fat Dick Swayze - www.theddt.com
76. Michael Melchor - www.411Mania.com/wrestling
So this is the list. Love it, Hate it, I Don't care. The fans voted. If you are on the list, than pop some bubbly. If you didn't make it, then tell me who you are because I will start working on the next list ASAP. Despite getting the most votes I didn't put myself on the list. The reason most people heard of this was because they saw my column, so it wouldn't be fair to include myself. Do I honestly think I am one of the top 76? Yeah I do, and the fans do, but I don't have the objectivity to rank myself fairly. Thanks for reading.