


ESPN- The best sports site period.

CNNSI - A Great Place for news

Boston Sports Media - A collection of all the New England sports articles

Sports Satire Report - Funny monthly satire newsletter with the sports stories you didn't hear about.

Funniest Pro Athlete Site Ever - NBA player's site. Words can't do it justice. Just look, listen, and laugh.

Damn The Yankees - Interesting view on sports in a humorous way. Yankee's Suck!

Boston Dirt Dogs - All the Dirt on Boston Sports

The Remy Report - Site of famous Red Sox color commentator.

Yankees Suck - The name says it all. 


WRESTLING (I do not have any affiliation with these sites)

Online Onslaught - 3 or 4 great weekly columns by the owner, a fall out of your chair funny Raw Satire, and the Canadian Bulldog's look at wrestling. Other interesting columns along the way too.

411 mania wrestling - A great site that has the most wrestling news and columns on the net. Check out 411 Black for info on anything and everything.

Wrestle Zone - Good news, good columns, great opening picture.

The Smart Marks - Reviews and great shoot interviews - Rumors, dirt, lies, recaps, fantasy wrestling, and occasionally a good column.

The DDT - Humor, rumors, great columns and other great stuff


Mass Cruisers - The car club my Dad is the Webmaster for - The only site for all your computer issues. Get the newsletter, it is worth it! Saved my butt countless times.

Broken Newz - All the news like you never experienced it before.

Worth 1000 - Some of the most amazing and strangest pictures I have ever seen.

MST3K - The site of mystery science theater 3000.

Bizarre News - All the news that's twisted to fit.

 Ebay - Come buy stuff from me. I have sports merchandise for sale.

Ironic Tines - All The quasi-real news you need

Salty Ham - Sports, Wrestling, Jokes, Movies, Music, and anything else

Penguin Baseball - Sick twisted fun